Beechcliffe School

Safe Joyful Learning

Keighley: 01535603041 Thackley

Interim Headteacher: Lee harris

Head of School - Keighley: Michelle Nichols
Head of School - Thackley: Dave Prosho

Keighley: Greenhead Road, Utley, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD20 6ED

Thackley: Ellar Carr Road, Thackley, Bradford, BD10 0TD

Keighley: 01535603041 Thackley: 01274057898

Keighley: Thackley:

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Outdoor learning

Here you'll find our weekly outdoor learning challenge.

Forest School Activity of the week! 

15th March 2021

Natural Paint Brushes! 

Research Activity:,bands%20aren't%20too%20tight

This website gives you lots of ideas on how to make natural paint brushes – Have some fun thinking about what you could use. 


Practical Activity:

Having seen these ideas get outside and have a go yourself.

Make your own paints – use your own paint brush to create your own pictures. 

22nd March 2021. 

Build a birds nest. 

 Research Activity:

Research Google How do birds build their nests? 

Watch this video 

How to build a bird's nest using natural resources 

Outdoor Activity:

Having seen these ideas get outside and have a go yourself. Use your imagination!! Use lots of sticks! 

Indoor Activity:

You use any material to create your birds nest – bring sticks and other materials from outside. Could make a birds nest from chocolate and cornflakes? 

Holidays Activity

29th March - 10th April

Build a home for an animal. 

Research Activity:

What is your favourite wild animal? 

Research Google what your animal needs in a home. 

Go to this website and research how you could build a home for wildlife. 

Design your own ideas. 

Outdoor Activity. 

Having seen these ideas get outside and have a go yourself. Use your imagination!! Remember you could build a model of your design. 

Indoor Activity: 

You could build your design ideas out of lego or blocks. 

Remember to photograph your sticks and put them on your Classes Dojo or our Facebook page.