Beechcliffe School

Safe Joyful Learning

Keighley: 01535603041 Thackley

Interim Headteacher: Lee harris

Head of School - Keighley: Michelle Nichols
Head of School - Thackley: Dave Prosho

Keighley: Greenhead Road, Utley, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD20 6ED

Thackley: Ellar Carr Road, Thackley, Bradford, BD10 0TD

Keighley: 01535603041 Thackley: 01274057898

Keighley: Thackley:

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Thank you for visiting our  Beechcliffe school's  admissions page. You will find below the key information relating to  admissions to Beechcliffe School, however, please  do not hesitate to  contact the school if you require further information or to arrange a visit. A member of the senior leadership team will be happy to answer any questions or accompany you during your visit.


Beechcliffe School Admission Arrangements

Beechcliffe School is a 224 place Special School over two sites. Pupils are referred to Beechcliffe School by the Local Authority(LA). The LA is the Admissions Agency and we do not directly admit pupils to the school. All requests for placement must go to the LA. They consult the Governing Body for places for individual pupils at the school. 

Almost all of the pupils are admitted because they have Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which names Beechcliffe School. Occasionally,  the LA requests places for pupils who are in the process of having an EHCP completed, or for a period of assessment.

Most pupils come to Beechcliffe School on a full-time basis. Sometimes, the LA agrees a 'split-site' placement and a pupil attends Beechcliffe School for part of the week, and another (usually mainstream) school for the remainder.

Whatever the circumstances of a pupil's admission,  certain procedures are followed no matter what the age of the child.


Prior to Admission - Pre LA Offer

Prior to a place being offered by the LA, it is essential for successful transitions that the parents / carers visit the school. They are shown our facilities, given a school brochure and have opportunities to have their questions answered. Most questions are answered by the Senior Leadership Team but it may be more appropriate to ask staff, pupils, or other parents.

Some parents may need to visit a number times before they have all the information they need and we are happy to accommodate this.

It is equally important for the prospective pupil to visit us. Their anxieties or uncertainties need to be addressed.


Prior to Admission - Post LA Offer

When a pupil is offered a place by the LA, the parents/carers are invited to school again to discuss their child's needs, and strengths and weaknesses and complete admission paperwork. 

If at all possible, the parents/carers will be told at this stage who their child's teacher will be and will be introduced to them.

Beechcliffe School will liaise with the feeder school or setting, to ensure that all relevant information has been received. The Head of School will determine  the appropriate person to undertake this liaison.


Allocation to a Class

The pupil will be allocated to a class by the Senior Leadership Team after discussion with the parent/carer and appropriate staff. To help to make this decision, it may be necessary for some pupils to spend some time in school for teachers to observe them at first hand.

For some pupils it can be difficult even then to be sure that the correct class has been decided upon, and so the Head of School will make sure that the parents/carers know that sometimes a pupil is allocated to another class after admission. (This is, however, unsettling for most pupils, and should be done only in exceptional circumstances.)



Transition takes place over an agreed period of time. This will vary from pupil to pupil. 

Before a pupil can be admitted all relevant Medical Care Plans, Moving and Handling Plans and Behaviour Support plans are completed with relevant team members.

The Head of School will inform all appropriate staff of the pupil's needs, strengths, and any medical problems. All medical details and all other relevant information will be recorded and circulated appropriately to ensure everyone's health and safety. 

Sometimes, parents/carers and feeder schools believe that a pupil needs to be introduced to Beechcliffe School gradually. This is quite acceptable and Beechcliffe staff will work together with parents, carers, schools and the pupil to ensure successful transitions. Others may feel that any period of transition would be detrimental to the pupil and therefore request admission  takes place after only one visit. A member of staff is likely to see them in their existing setting to get to know them. 


On Admission

The parents/carers will be sent a 'Welcome' letter with requests for various consents, a copy of their child's timetable, and a School Holidays list. We have an 'Open Door' policy so parents and carers can contact us at any time with any questions or concerns. 

Files and Records

A file for the child will be opened in the Administration office as soon as a place is offered.

As soon as the EHCP and records from the previous school arrive, the Head of School will inform appropriate staff members so that they can be read.

The pupil's name will be added to all appropriate lists and records, and appropriate forms sent to the LA.

Individual Learning Targets for a new pupil should be completed as soon as is reasonably appropriate, given that the pupil may need a 'settling-in' period, and the staff will need a period of time to get to know the child.



When we are over-subscribed, we inform the LA of this. Our response is considered at the Placement Panel and other schools may be named on the EHCP instead of Beechcliffe. At this point, parents have a right of appeal. You can find out more information by contacting the SEND Department of Bradford Council.


Please Click Here to visit the Bradford MDC schools admissions webpage.