Beechcliffe School

Safe Joyful Learning

Keighley: 01535603041 Thackley

Interim Headteacher: Lee harris

Head of School - Keighley: Michelle Nichols
Head of School - Thackley: Dave Prosho

Keighley: Greenhead Road, Utley, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD20 6ED

Thackley: Ellar Carr Road, Thackley, Bradford, BD10 0TD

Keighley: 01535603041 Thackley: 01274057898

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Key Stage 4

It is our intent in Key Stage 4 to offer a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils.

All learning opportunities are personalised to pupils’ age, ability and aptitude as well as taking into account of their SEND.

 Pupils have access to engaging and exciting lessons which will build on their current skills set and allow pupils to pursue areas of interest.

In key Stage Four we are preparing the pupils for life in Post 16 and so we encourage pupils to explore and develop in the areas that are of interest to them as they are entering their adult stage of life.

We give pupils the opportunities to gain a range of qualifications tailored to their abilities and needs.

Pupils leave key Stage Four having achieved a wide range of certification and qualifications and having received formal recognition of their hard work.

The wide variety of activities that we are able to offer means that there is something for everyone as well as exciting extra curricular activities.

We prepare pupils on their pathways towards adult life, as well as academic recognition we ensure all pupils experience and learn life and living skills and procedural knowledge.

In key Stage Four, we want our pupils to be happy, settled and have fun whilst learning and we fulfil the school vision of offering an experience which is, ‘Safe, and joyful’.

You can find more about our curriculum by contacting the school. Please use the contact numbers on our contacts page.



 Key stage four pupils access ‘A pathway towards adulthood’ which reflects their individual abilities and interests.  The offer includes accredited options for all pupils. We recognise the importance for all our pupils to achieve a wide range of certificates and qualifications whist in the key stage, and we strive to make sure that this happens.

By the end of year eleven,  all pupils will have achieved a certificate or qualification in Maths and English which lay the foundation and building blocks in preparation for Post 16 learning.

 There are two pathways for our learners;

OCR Entry level pathways for Maths and English

AQA Unit awards pathways for Maths and English.

As well as the pathways:

Pupils’ have ‘options’ where they chose a subject to study each term which are accredited through the AQA unit awards.

The Arts award qualification.

Duke of Edinburgh award.


Sensory learning strand

Pupils within the sensory learning strand will be offered a curriculum that reflects their physical and sensory needs and therefore is Sensory led.

 Within this curriculum the pupils learning outcomes are based Barrs Court and Early Learning skills curriculum.

As with Key Stage 3 Sensory classrooms, the classes are set up to offer the students’ continuous provision as well as focused led learning topics and builds on the pupils’ procedural knowledge through repetition and familiarity.

 The sensory curriculum incorporates communication through Maths and early thinking skills, English communication skills and Science. PSHE and PD skills are developed as a core focus.  Pupils have the opportunity to build on their topic based learning from key stage 3 by choosing foundation subjects in their ‘options’ sessions such as art, history and geography.

The pupils participate in hydrotherapy, rebound sessions and they have access to two sensory rooms. Their curriculum also includes PE and music sessions. Pupils have the option of participating in horticulture sessions which take place at our allotments.


Extended curriculum offer

All pupils in key stage 4 receive Creative and Performing arts sessions which is in preparation for whole school performances. This is a whole school timetabled session and pupils get to select their favourite group to be part of, such as drama, dance, set design, music, lighting and sound and have the chance to be with students from across the key stages.

Pupils also work across the school to attend Arts award and Duke of Edinburgh sessions.


KS4 Leavers

The majority of leavers in KS4 go on into our 6th Form on the Beechcliffe site.


KS4 & 6th Form Leavers in 2021 


Destinations for year 11 pupils 2020 - 2021   - Beechcliffe Post 16 = 8 pupils

Destinations for Year 14 Pupils 2020 - 2021 - 6 Pupils to college provision  6 Pupils social care provision


Modified and supported learners

Pupils within this strand follow a modified and supported national curriculum, and are taught the core subjects, English, Maths and science as well as having ICT, P.E swimming and music sessions.

Pupils have the opportunity to learn about a wide range of topics within a variety of other subjects which includes; geography, history, media and art.

 Pupils build on their life skills and towards independence skills through a range of lessons, and gain procedural knowledge appropriate to their needs. This can range from cooking simple snacks, preparing full meals, learning how to be safe. They also learn about how to prepare to go grocery shopping and how to pay for goods and learn about how to budget for a home.

They have the opportunity to learn horticulture at the allotment and learn how to access local facilities such as supermarkets and garden centres.


Extra curricular opportunities

As with pupils in key stage 3, pupils in key stage 4 also have the opportunity to attend a wide range of music groups which includes; sing and sign, samba and percussion and 1-1 peripatetic music lessons.

Throughout the year there are sporting events that we encourage our students to take part in. It is our aim for all pupils to represent the school in at least one sporting event throughout the year.

As part of the implementation of British values and SMSC;

All students will be given the opportunity to attend trips and visits in order to broaden their understanding of the wider community and the world around them and in order to enhance their learning experience.

Pupils are encouraged to take part in raising money for charities and enterprise activities leading up to school fayres.

Key stage 4 have the opportunity to go on a residential visit during the summer term which helps build their independence and social skills. Each form group will have school council representatives who will attend school council meetings, This is a great opportunity for pupils to have their voices heard.


Careers in KS4