Beechcliffe School

Safe Joyful Learning

Keighley: 01535603041 Thackley

Interim Headteacher: Lee harris

Head of School - Keighley: Michelle Nichols
Head of School - Thackley: Dave Prosho

Keighley: Greenhead Road, Utley, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD20 6ED

Thackley: Ellar Carr Road, Thackley, Bradford, BD10 0TD

Keighley: 01535603041 Thackley: 01274057898

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Key Stage 3


Overview and aims

We offer all our learners the opportunity to develop and learn in a supportive, caring environment which has high expectations for all to achieve.

This curriculum follows the National Curriculum and is modified to suit the needs of individual pupils.

 In key Stage Three we strive to offer an exciting curriculum where pupils of all abilities develop and extend their knowledge linked to a range of exciting topics over the three years that they are in Key Stage Three.

We provide a broad, balanced curriculum, which is relevant to the needs of all our pupils and makes sure that all pupils make progress during their time in Key Stage Three.

 Pupils are at the centre of our curriculum and through, ‘open topic titles’ each teacher can pursue the interests of their class whilst also providing engaging opportunities to broaden their knowledge and build on key skills for life.

Through practical lessons and first hand experiences, we offer pupil the chance to ask questions about their learning, to make mistakes and to grow in independence on their way to becoming lifelong learners.

Alongside our core subject areas, we also encourage pupils to pursue other interests and talents through arrange of extended curricular activities such as being part of music groups, the Arts award qualification, drama, Duke of Edinburgh’s award and the School council

The Key Stage Three offer is linked to their age, ability and aptitude and always takes in to account of individual SEND and is when the pupils’ start preparing for Key stage four and post 16. The Knowledge gained by pupils’  is always purposeful and fun.

We want our pupils to be happy and learn new skills every day!


Curriculum content and Implementation of the Curriculum

Throughout key Stage Three, pupils have access to a broad and balanced rolling program that covers all areas of the national curriculum over three years. The key stage three curriculum has been developed with a range of topics which allows each teacher to adapt each topic to create a teaching unit which meets their class’ needs, interests and learning goals, thus making each class’ version of the topic unique and interesting.

The curriculum offer is personalised and based on individual need, pupil attainment and target setting takes place through formative and summative assessment and are central to the EHCP process.

You can find out more about our curriculum by contacting the school. Please see the school contacts page.


Sensory Experiential Groups

Within this curriculum strand, the pupils learning outcomes are based on  Barrs Court and the EYFS curriculum. The sensory classrooms are set up to offer the students’ continuous provision and encourages procedural knowledge as well as more focused led learning topics.

The pupils learning area consists of classrooms which are divided into different areas which will support pupils to develop according to their needs.

These areas will be offered for a half term enabling opportunities for repetition and development of specific skills and will be based on the key stage three rolling program. However, as the curriculum is pupil led, areas may change to follow pupils’ interests.

Pupils will work in these areas either individually or alongside their peers. Where possible, pupils will, by using different methods of communication be able to select the areas they wish to work in and it is expected that pupils will visit the different areas within the school day and often make repeated visits to some areas.

Within this curriculum the pupils learning outcomes are based Barrs Court and the EYFS curriculum. The sensory classrooms are set up to offer the students continuous provision as well as more focused led learning topics.

Pupils within the sensory learning group access PSHCE and PD through sessions at our allotment, rebound lessons, hydrotherapy pool lessons, P.E session, music and drama sessions, life skills and cooking and physiotherapy. Pupils have access to the Oasis room and sensory rooms, and individuals can access sensory integration therapy, as well as intensive interaction and deep pressure as pupils require it though out the day.


Qualifications and Achievements

As part of the whole school ethos we believe that all pupils deserve to have their achievements recognised. Through the delivery of The Arts Award and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award we are able to provide this opportunity for our pupils.

The arts award is a nationally recognised qualification and all pupils within key stage 3 achieve Arts award at a level appropriate to their abilities.

The duke of Edinburgh is another nationally recognised award and

pupils within key stage 3 are working towards this award by learning new skills, volunteering, helping others and having the opportunity to attend an expedition.

 Pupils’ will have their achievements recognised through, ‘star of the week’ awards in assembly, individual class reward systems and through house points.


Modified & Supported Curriculum groups.

Our modified and supported groups learn through a more structured approach but still benefit from the flexibility that a creative curriculum provides.

These pupils are taught the core subjects, English, Maths and Science regularly throughout the week along side a range of subjects, such as History, Geography and Art.


Each planned topic enables the teachers to deliver their lessons in a creative and student led way. The lessons will be tailored to their class’ interests and will build on and introduce key skills which lead to procedural knowledge which is planned for each specific group of learners.

Throughout all subject areas independence is encouraged and a love of learning and knowledge is fostered and cultivated through a curriculum that encourages pupils to ask questions and to find their own answers.  Pupils within the modified and supported learning groups are timetabled have to access horticulture sessions which take place at our allotment and they get to visit local garden centres in order to buy seedlings etc. for the allotments.

Other lessons that the pupils are timetabled to have include; hydrotherapy sessions, P.E sessions, music and drama sessions, life skills and cooking, PSHE and R.E and languages.

Some pupils who need extra support with managing their emotions or who have sensory needs will have timetabled access to our rebound room, sensory rooms,  physiotherapy and may be timetabled to access to the Oasis room which offers a sensory integration therapy and Lego therapy sessions.  

All pupils across key Stage Three receive Creative and Performing arts sessions which is in preparation for whole school performances. This is a whole school timetabled session and pupils get to select their favourite group to be part of, such as drama, dance, set design, music, lighting and sound and have the chance to be with students from across the key stages.


Extra curricular opportunities

Pupils have the opportunity to attend a wide range of music groups which includes; sing and sign, samba and percussion and 1-1 peripatetic music lessons.

Throughout the year there are sporting events that we encourage our students to take part in. It is our aim for all pupils to represent the school in at least one sporting event throughout the year.

We aim for all students to be able to attend trips and visits in order to enhance their learning experience.

As part of encouraging British values and the development of pupils SMSC all pupils are encouraged to take part in raising money for charities and enterprise activities leading up to school fairs.

Each class group will have school council representatives who will attend school council meetings, This is a great opportunity for pupils to have their voices heard.


Careers in KS3